Plexiglass.SG Insights
Published on 9th November, 2020

The crisis that struck Singapore in early 2020 was sudden and unexpected. Many businesses were affected and unable to cope with the sudden closure and drop in tourism. Aceninja too suffered a decline in business, and our team straightaway got to work in developing a novel product, Plexiglass.SG.
Our product was the cumulation of our skillsets in Marketing, Industrial Design and finally Logistics and Operations. The crisis forced us to rethink existing business processes and ideas, and to venture beyond our comfort zone. Being in uncertain territory was risky for any company; after all, we only had 1 year of experience under our belt.
However, despite the odds, we managed to thrive and build our COVID-19 shield. Through rough, it proved useful to withstand the elements. At every iteration during our design, we were making constant improvements. We realised that acrylic was a fragile material, and despite it being the most popular component used, it was prone to scratches and accidental damages as compared to polycarbonate. We experimented with a few materials and designs before finally arriving at our standard plexiglass shield for safe distancing.

Our product
so far has been used in many government and statutory boards; from startups to
multinational corporations, and by religious organizations and non-governmental
organizations alike. We are grateful for the accolades that we have received
and look forward to having our product used by more parties in the market.